TPC - Prof. Junfeng Wan, Zhengzhou University, China

TPC - Prof. Junfeng Wan, Zhengzhou University, China


Prof. Junfeng Wan,  Zhengzhou University, China

万俊锋教授 郑州大学

Junfeng Wan, Professor of School of Ecology and Environment, Zhengzhou University, deputy director of Henan International Joint Laboratory of Environment and Resources o, and head of the environmental science major of Zhengzhou University. He received Ph.D. degree in France from INSA-Toulouse in 2009. From 2015, he went to the School of Civil Engineering and Environment, Nanyang Technological University to carry out academic exchanges for one year as a national visiting scholar in Singapore. The main research fields include: (1) Mechanism and application of environmental biotechnology such as aerobic granular sludge technology; (2) Recovery of nutrients and removal of heavy metals such as arsenic from wastewater. He has presided over ten projects including the National Natural Science Foundation of China. As the first or corresponding author, he has published more than 50 papers in well-known environmental journals such as Water Research, Science of the Total Environment and Bioresource Technology. Also, he has served as a reviewer for more than ten international academic journals. 

万俊锋,郑州大学生态与环境学院教授,河南省环境与资源国际联合实验室副主任,郑州大学环境科学专业负责人。2009年博士毕业于法国国立应用科学学院图卢兹分院 (INSA-Toulouse)。2015年作为国家公派访问学者到新加坡南洋理工大学土木与环境学院开展学术交流一年。主要研究领域:(1)以好氧颗粒污泥技术为主的环境生物技术机理及其应用;(2)污水中营养物的去除与资源化回收以及砷等重金属的去除。先后承担国家自然科学基金、河南省科技攻关项目以及企业委托课题十余项。以第一或者通讯作者在Water Research, Science of the Total Environment和 Bioresource Technology等环境领域知名期刊发表论文50余篇,担任十余种国际知名学术期刊的审稿人。