Keynote Speaker & Publication Chair- Prof. Mohammed JK Bashir, University Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia

Keynote Speaker & Publication Chair- Prof. Mohammed JK Bashir, University Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia

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Prof. Mohammed JK Bashir, University Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia

Prof Bashir graduated from Universiti Sains Malaysia in 2011 with a keen interest in the field of Environmental engineering and sustainable environmental management and technology (including Sustainable environment, solid waste management and treatment technologies, wastewater treatment, water quality, waste utilisation, waste to energy, etc). Currently, he is serving as a Professor and leading the department of Environmental Engineering at University Tunku Abdul Rahman Malaysia. 

He has published more than 250 articles in prestigious high impact factor journals such as Bioresource Technology, Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Environmental Management, Waste Management, Chemosphere, Total Science of Environment, Renewable Energy, Desalination, Journal of Chemical Engineering, Process safety and Environmental Protection, Environmental Technology, Water Science and Technology, and many others. Today his h index is 37 with a total citation of 4970. He Has received 20 national and international awards.