TPC - Prof. Rui Du

TPC - Prof. Rui Du


Prof. Rui Du, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China


Du Rui is a professor at the College of Resources and Environment, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Her research direction focuses on the role of bioaerosols in atmospheric environment and the key scientific and technical issues in environmental monitoring of bioaerosols. Academic achievements: She has presided over five National Natural Science Foundation projects, and completion of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Beijing Foundation research projects.She has published more than 100 scientific papers. the main results were published in Soil biology & Biochemistry, Science of the total Environment, Atmospheric Environment, Atmospheric Research, Environmental Microbiology and other famous academic journals. In 2019, she won the "Zhu Liyuehua Excellent Teacher" Award of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

杜睿,中国科学院大学资源与环境学院教授。研究方向围绕生物气溶胶在大气环境中的作用与生物气溶胶的环境监测方面的关键科学与技术问题开展研究。学术成绩:已主持五项国家自然基金面上项目,主持完成了中国科学院先导专项以及北京市基金等科研项目,并已发表百余篇科学论文。主要成果发表在Soil biology & Biochemistry, Science of the total Environment,Atmospheric Environment, Atmospheric Research, Environmental Microbiology等著名学术刊物。2019年荣获中国科学院“朱李月华优秀教师”奖