2024 4th International Conference on Environmental Pollution and Governance(ICEPG 2024)

Keynote Speakers


Speaker of ICEPG 2024

Prof. ShijieHan, Henan University, China / 韩士杰教授,河南大学

[中科院“百 人计划”入选者,国家首批“百千万人才工程”入选者。]

Ph.D. in Ecology and doctoral supervisor. As a second-tier researcher at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), he is also a special professor at CAS University and Henan University. He is a member of the CAS "Hundred Talents Program" and one of the first group of talents selected for the "One Hundred Million Talent Project" in China.

His research focuses on interface ecology, global change, and their intersection with forest ecology. He has led various research projects including the 13th Five-Year National Key Research and Development Program (Global Change Response Special Project), the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program), the National Science and Technology Basic Work Special Project, and three key projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC).

He has previously served as the director of the Changbaishan Forest Ecology Positioning Station, a national field station under the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has received multiple awards for his contributions, including the Second Prize of National Scientific and Technological Progress, the prestigious MUMM Award from the World Meteorological Organization, and recognition as part of the major project on Global Change and Regional Response by the National Foundation of China. He has also been honored as an Outstanding Hundred Plan Team member and received accolades such as the State Council Government Special Allowance, National Advanced Field Science and Technology Worker, and the CERN Special Contribution Award from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. With nearly 100 SCI papers published in international mainstream journals and over 10 monographs, he is a respected figure in the scientific community.

In addition to his research endeavors, he actively contributes to academic publications and serves on the editorial boards of several journals including For. Res., Journal of Applied Ecology, Journal of Plant Ecology, Journal of Ecology, and Journal of Beijing Forestry University. He has been a member of the CERN Scientific Committee and currently serves on the Mountain Resources Research Committee of the Chinese Society of Natural Resources, the Long-term Ecological Research Committee of the Ecological Society of China, and the China Flux Net Committee.